Public Speaking | Radio Announcing | TV Presenting | MC | PODcaster | Youtuber | Online Presentation


Public Speaking | Presentation Skills | MC (Master of Ceremony) | Elevator Pitch | TV Presenter | Radio announcing | Basic Vocal | Sharing Program | Voice Over | Advertising | Reportase | Interviewing | Study on Location | Ice Breaking | Start a Podcast | Creating Content for Youtube


DJ Arie School Makes Public Speaking More Interesting

Narda Virelia

1st Runner up Miss Indonesia 2018

What I like about DJ Arie is their holistic way of teaching; not only do they teach us techniques of speaking in public but they also help us with character building and find out what kind of presence we can bring onto the stage.

“I guarantee that learning at DJ Arie will bring you closer towards your goals whether it’d be in your workplace, events, studies or even among your communities”

Asran Aga Shady

News Presenter Indosiar, Tv Host, Praktisi Komunikasi, Commercial Brand Ambassador

DJ Arie School … If Our Parents Teach us to speak in a good way. This place teach us to speak in a fun way. How to delivery a meaningful and knowledgeable information in a different style, are the lesson that i keep till now. I Learn something new here, something that’s make me who i am now !

V i c k o

Presenter Olahraga SCTV/ Indosiar

Disini lah lu menemukan jati diri, Skill diasah lebih tajem utk siap menembus Dunia Broadcast!! DJ Arie School?? Subhanallah, Juara !!!

Frisca Clarissa Almira

Jurnalis, News Anchor Kompas TV

DJ Arie School bukan sekadar Sekolah, melainkan Rumah bertukar Ilmu. Wadah menggali kepercayaan diri dan kemampuan berkomunikasi. Tempat jiwa-jiwa bersemangat membangun mimpi dan mewujudkannya. Selalu bangga menjadi bagian Keluarga Besar DJ Arie Broadcasting School

Yudi Handoyo

News Presenter TV One

The best course place ever, they have great mentors espesially Mr. Arie. He is inspiring me, now I am proud to be Journalist. Thanks alot Mr. Arie … Semoga makin sukses, buat DJArieSchool !

Cia Wardhana

Trax FM Jakarta

Ada pepatah yg bilang ‘ga kenal maka ga sayang’. Jd gmn mau jadian sama radio kalo ga kenal? Haha. Untungnya ada DJ Arie School yg jd ‘mak comblang’ buat ngenalin aku ke dunia radio. Lewat sinilah aku belajar pdkt sama radio. Hasilnya? Langgeng nih hubungan sama radio :p . Thankyou mas Arie 🙂

J e j e


DJ Arie School tempat yg tepat buat lo yg tertarik di bidang broadcast. Bkn cuma teori tapi praktek langsung. Mas arie memposisikan dirinya sebagai teman dan guru. Dimana itu susah loh dan ga semua org bisa melakukannya. Sifatnya yg humble, mau mendengarkan , dan memberi masukan buat kita bs belajar banyak hal. Thankyou mas Arie. Senang sekali bisa kenal dan jd bagian dr DJ Arie School.

Kevin Lilliana

Miss International 2017

Dulu merasa sangat terbebani ketika harus berbicara didepan umum, karena terlalu banyak mikir soal teknik yang tepat mengenai public speaking. Tapi di Dj Arie School, aku belajar untuk menghadapi masalah itu semua dengan caraku sendiri.

“So now I’m really confident to speak in front of peoples with my own way ! Thank you Dj Arie School.”

TV Presenter Djarieschool

Communication Skills
Elevator pitch
MC Advanced
MC Bilingual
Radio Broadcast Training
Public Speaking Skills
How to Present on Camera
Presenting Training
Effective Presentation Skills

Pelatihan dan Pembekalan Sekolah, Kampus, Instansi Pemerintahan dan Swasta


Communication Skills & Public Speaking Training for Company

Public Speaking Workshop | Seminar untuk Instansi atau Perusahaan

PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk atau Bank Jatim
Public Speaking Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
Public Speaking Class - Bank BNI 46
Public Speaking Class - KomisiPemberantasanKorupsi
Public Speaking Pertamina
Public Speaking Bank BJB
Public Speaking  Bank Indonesia
Asuransi Kecelakaan Lalulintas Jalan dan Penumpang Umum
Public Speaking Indosat
Public Speaking Telkom Care
PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)
Public Speaking Danone
Public Speaking Toyota Indonesia
Public Speaking Nutrifood
Public Speaking Class - Agung Podomoro Land
Public Speaking Yamaha Goes to School
PLN - Indonesia Power
Public Speaking Class - Diretorat Jenderal Pajak Kanwil Jakarta
Public Speaking SONY MOBILE area Jawa Barat
Public Speaking Class - jnccookiesofficial
Public Speaking L-Men
Public Speaking HiLo Green Ambassador
Public Speaking Class - Duta Bahasa Nasional
Public Speaking Super Model Indonesia


Booking DJ ARIE | for Seminar-Workshop

Mr. Arie Ardianto


Mr. Fauzan Ghozi

INFO | Administration

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Presentasi ONLINE dan berhadapan dengan Public di  depan CAMERA




Bagaimana menjaga tampilan ketika Presentasi ONLINE

online public speaker - Verbal Fillers


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  • BEAN Public Speaking TRAINING
  • BEAN Public Speaking TRAINING
  • BEAN Public Speaking TRAINING
  • BEAN Public Speaking TRAINING
  • BEAN Public Speaking TRAINING
  • BEAN Public Speaking TRAINING
  • BEAN Public Speaking TRAINING
  • BEAN Public Speaking TRAINING
  • BEAN Public Speaking TRAINING
  • BEAN Public Speaking TRAINING
  • BEAN Public Speaking TRAINING
  • BEAN Public Speaking TRAINING
  • BEAN Public Speaking TRAINING
  • BEAN Public Speaking TRAINING
DJ Arie Public Speaking Trainner

HAI Rocks99 show | Legacy

Jingle Promo Radio

DJ Arie Radiocast

AudioBlog | Podcast

Spotify | Podcast

Sample Voice | PressPlay

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